This was Doug a couple of weeks ago in Tennessee. . .kicked back enjoying nature and life..
Doug has been one of those special "gifts" every family desires.
He's kept us laughing with his antics through the years. . .
He's blessed us with his love of singing. . .and, his wife's an added blessing in that area.
As he grew older, he was very protective of Mom and Daddy.
He took out insurance coverage (life/funeral) for them so they'd have the money needed
when the time came. . .because he didn't want Mom to be worried about it.
He could have went to college, but he wanted Daddy to be able to retire. . .
so he joined the Marines before they knew what he was doing
and he was OTJ for our country the next six years of his life.
He did well in the service and made friends that he still stays in contact with.
He was popular in school, not only because he was so handsome. . .
but because he made each person feel they had value.
He was a true friend. . .not just "fair weather".
While Doug was in high school he drifted away from the Lord.
He continued to move away from the call God had on his life for the first
part of his six years in the Marines. . .
but God found him and brought him "home" during a Youth meeting in Mt. Carmel, IL
He was home on Christmas leave. . .
He went to the meeting and while the young people sang,
"Come Unto Jesus. . .Give Him Your Life Today. . ." Doug did just that.
"Come Unto Jesus. . .Give Him Your Life Today. . ." Doug did just that.
He re-dedicated his life to Jesus and has been living 24/7 for HIM since.
Friends from all over the county gathered for those youth meetings.
Many of the friends he found at that meeting are still his friends today.
They are "fellow soldiers of the cross".
They are "fellow soldiers of the cross".
Some were "wounded in battle along the way", some went "AWOL", others
are "MIA", but a large number are still right there "on the battle field"
marching with the Lord. . .showing up day or night when the call for service is issued.
Just a few days ago, Doug and Rachel went to the annual youth meeting in IL.
Doug worked in the kitchen washing dishes the whole time as others sat in church.
Someone washed dishes the year he came back to the Lord. . .
He was giving back.
Rob and Marci Goss with their family. (2 girls) Friends through the years. . .from Canada and Michigan. . .now in Tennessee. Doug and Rachel Wirth with thier family. (4 boys) Park in Tennessee |
Doug is always doing things to help others in need.
He gets them motel rooms. . .
Each year he would take folks in the Mt. Carmel church out for a meal if they'd read their Bible through. . .then he offered the same for Springville church when he moved there.
Doug's home is open for God's people and his wife is a willing help-meet in that area.
This year Doug sponsored a vacation for Sarah and Chad.
He and his family bought motel rooms for Sarah and Chad's family
and then they all met together for a couple of days at the ocean.
Afterwards the kids went on to stay a couple of days at Doug's house.
He's just got a big heart!
Chad and George in the ocean. . .George is not fearless which may come as a shock to most who know him!
Chad ready for anything. . . with rod in hand. . .his vision greatly enhanced for underwater witnessing.
Chad ready for anything. . . with rod in hand. . .his vision greatly enhanced for underwater witnessing.
Doug kept Chad and Sarah so busy they crashed on the couch.
They had a great time and all the kids remember the trip well.
As a kid, other kids would call Doug up to ask what they should do about this or that. . .
even his coaches would call him asking for advice. . . what they should do with the team.? . .
what did Doug think would go over?. . .what wouldn't?
He just had leadership ability.
His job right now is working in problem solving. . .
something he's really done most of his life.
He sees a problem and then thinks of what he can do to resolve it.
He gives money to people he knows are in need. . .he gave to us one time when
we really needed it. . .so I know.
Doug is a giver. He will give and give and give. . .until it hurts. . .
and that makes him feel good. . .because he wants to bless others.
Don't get me wrong. . .he gives according to what he thinks God wants him to give.
He doesn't just give because someone else thinks he should. . .he and his wife talk
it over and then they find what the Lord would have them do.
He doesn't throw his money away or squander it.
All people are all eithe"givers" or "takers".
Doug is one of those people who make life better because he gives.
Happy Birthday Baby Brother!
May God Give To You Abundantly and
Meet All Your Needs According to His Riches.
Joe, Doug, Bucky, Paul, Daniel and Rachel Wirth
Please note: Doug was born on John Franklin Peach's birthday. . .
so he too is another year older today. . .79?
He certainly doesn't look his age.
He was the pastor who called for the youth meetings right during Christmas week.
The Lord blessed many a young person through them.
Lives were changed because Bro. Peach wanted Jesus to "get" something at Christmas.
And HE did! Lots of young people gave HIM their hearts.
And Bro. Peach was blessed in return. . .
Mt. Carmel has lots of young people active in the assembly today as a result.
Happy Birthday John!
John, Darlena,Bob, Rev. David Frank, Mary, Willa, David, Willa Mae, Hopie
(Nancy, Tom and Rachel weren't born yet.)
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