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One Grandma, trying to let the light of Jesus shine through me. . . reaching out into the darkness with love to little hands, hearts and minds . . .for Jesus.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

I Am Blessed! I Am Blessed!

Chad and Sarah Jean Hanna

It's great to have children.
Sarah and Chad are so dedicated to the Lord and one another.
God has blessed them with four beautiful children and they are all "high energy" kids.
All my grands are "high energy".  I'm glad they're not couch potatoes!

Anyway, Sarah sent this picture to me today and it was so cute I wanted to share it. . .the kids all ready for bed, cleaned up in pj's they got for Christmas.
I just want to bless my eight grandchildren and anyone I have influence over to have the courage it takes to be a Christian today.  We are living in a day when being a Christian, I mean really being a Christian will make you "stand out" in  a crowd. . .you'll look and act differently than people who are serving this world.

Somehow I pray that as parents and grandparents we'll want our children to look and act like Christ. . .not look like a "worldly copy of a Christian".
You should be able to tell a true non-counterfeit Christian in just a few minutes. . .
and a counterfeit one shouldn't take long to identify either.
Just watch them. . .how do they respond to waiting. . .to others. . .how do they dress. . .
how do they talk. . .what are their interests. . .who are their heroes?
Let's build up our children in the Lord.
Let's strengthen the feeble knees and lift up the hands that hang down of not just children,
but adults that need to find the courage it takes to proclaim the gospel. . .
not with our mouth only. . .but in every area of our lives.

Kimberly Jo, Travis Easton, Laura Jean and George Thomas Hanna (2010)

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