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One Grandma, trying to let the light of Jesus shine through me. . . reaching out into the darkness with love to little hands, hearts and minds . . .for Jesus.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Investing a day with Kathryn and Laura

In the aprons Aunt Janet bought them last year.

I was blessed to keep Kathryn overnight Sunday.
She fell asleep and Mom decided to let her stay. 
Kathryn said  she'd try that again next time. 
Early Monday morning I called for Chad to bring Laura over so the two could play together.  They are great friends.  They really had a fun time. . .playing restaurant. . .riding bicycles. . .climbing all over the play set. . going shopping. . .getting new shoes. . .making Valentine cards and just being together.  Giving each other the gift of " time".

 Then just one more funny little story. 
Laura loves the Children's Night at the big church.  She was very disappointed when it was cancelled this Friday.  She had it marked on her calender and was counting down the days. . .so, when I came by their house today she said, "Grandma, did you know they 'cancer-ed'  Children's Night?"  I said, "What?"  She again said, "Grandma. . blah, blah, blah. . .they cancer-ed" blah, blah," .  I told her it was cancelled, not cancer-ed but to her it was all the same.  Kids are so cute.

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