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One Grandma, trying to let the light of Jesus shine through me. . . reaching out into the darkness with love to little hands, hearts and minds . . .for Jesus.

Friday, March 18, 2011

A Good Message from Chad

Chad on his honeymoon. 2002
 My son-in-law, Chad, is a very good man.  He is deaf but doesn't let that keep him from working to provide for his family. . .nor does it keep him from making friendships. . .or from serving the Lord.  I want to tell you about a neat message he gave in church service Wednesday evening.  I wasn't there but he told me about it Thursday morning in the shop.  I asked him about church and as always, if he participated. . .when he said, "Yes" I wanted to hear about it.

The Message
Chad talked about getting UNDER the load of the cross and keeping our focus on the Lord. . . how we can focus on Jesus and carry our cross. . .(or). . . we can hold on to the world and  give just a portion of ourselves to the Lord.  He said often we get too focused on the world, on making money, wanting worldly things. . .so we take the "burden of the Lord" off from our shoulders and try to "just kind of tuck the cross in under our arm" while we use our other hand to hold on to the worldly things we want, the way you'd carry luggage. This just becomes too much and we can't really bear the weight or keep the hold on either thing well. . .so we have to re-focus and "get back under the load of the cross, put it up on top of our shoulder and carry it's full weight. . .we've got to hold on to it with both of our hands and let go of worldliness.
(Kind of sounds like the way the priests were to carry the ark of the covenant. . .on their shoulders.)

March 24, 2002

I want you to know while he was telling me his message I felt the Lord.  It was so good to "see" it acted out as well as hear it.  I know many times I am guilty of putting the Gospel and it's burden under my arm where I'm not really bearing the full weight. . .
I'm failing to get under the full load that the Lord has for me to carry. . .putting myself above the load.

I am so thankful for the Lord giving Sarah a husband with a desire to serve the Lord and respond to the prompting of the Holy Ghost.  I'm thankful for the beautiful grandchildren they have blessed us with.
May God help Chad to be a soldier for the Lord anda  faithful carrier of the Gospel of Christ.
God is good.

The Hanna men, Chad, George and Travis 2010


Joy said...

I have to agree...God is Good! Enjoyed reading this post today. I love the pic of the Hanna men too, its so sweet. I'm gonna be a grandma in August and we just found out its a boy too!

Grandma (Peach) said...


Congratulations! Grand children are a blessing.

I can't believe you are going to be a grandma. . . you still look way too young! Time just doesn't stand still for any of us. My kids are already 36 and 37 years old!

I enjoyed reading how the Lord is blessing you all in Godfrey. The Lord is giving us strength for the battle and courage to stand.

Linda said...

Hi Karen...thank you for sharing Chad's message. I am so glad that you have a good man for your daughter and grandchildren.

I also have a blog..it was bigger than it is now, but I forgot all the passwords & such, so I had to start a new one...LOL I wrote down the information this time. Old age is robbing me of my memory :) I would love for you to "follow" my blog... Love you forever, Linda *HUGS*

Grandma (Peach) said...

Linda, Sorry for some reason your comment was in the "spam" and I just happened to find it today. I am glad you enjoyed the posting and I will check out yours if I can find it. I'm not the greatest at finding stuff online.

I really think Denise does a great job of writing her Blog. She has a gift in writing. . .all her mother's hard work stressing the value of the English grammar must have paid off. I am sure that makes you beam each time you read her posts.