Laura Jean Hanna (5years)
Yesterday we went to the 50th Anniversary of H. P and Dusty Barbo.
I was very nice, well attended and extra pleasant!
Bro. Gary Wright did an excellent job of re-vowing while he told sweet stories about their lives.
The Barbo girls sang, "Through the Years" and they sounded awesome as always.
Renee talked about her parents strong commitment to one another and how they provided a solid example of marriage for their children and grandchildren.
During the singing of the above song, Laura Jean, who was sitting with Tom and I, started laughing.
She took her hand and cupped her mouth to whisper into my ear. . .
"Grandma, did you hear what that song said about that man? . . .it said he'd kiss her tears away!"
She just giggled and giggled about that. . .
Kids are just so cute!
She and Kathryn were talking about an upcoming trip they're making to Alabama.
The Hanna's are going to stop along the way to stay in hotels eventually meeting up with Doug's family. . .
Then on to Alabama for the week-end.
Kathryn was telling her all about trips and traveling. . .what to expect from a five- year- old's point of view. . .
"You'll drive for a long time, then get a hotel and sleep at night, then get up, eat breakfast and travel some more. . .then go to another hotel. . .blah. . blah. . ."
Laura said, "Yeah, and when I get to the hotel I'll start looking around
and see if I can find Alabama anywhere."
Kathryn thought that was a hoot and said there'd be a sign saying Alabama when they got there.
Laura wasn't totally convinced so she checked it out with Uncle Stan.
He said the sign would say, "Welcome to Alabama". . . so Laura informed Kathryn,
"Not Alabama, but WELCOME to Alabama".
They now are considered by one another to be authorities on travel.
They were ready to roll! ;)
H.P., Dusty and Tom Peach in front of the Banner he made for the big event. |
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