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One Grandma, trying to let the light of Jesus shine through me. . . reaching out into the darkness with love to little hands, hearts and minds . . .for Jesus.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Houston meeting kids. . .Gary Orr at work?

Houston General Convention 2012
Joe and Paul worked hard during breakfast and dinner to help Uncle Tom on the "Trash Duty".  Doug was there helping too at each meal and during the diabetic feedings.

Tom told the boys  to make sure the fluids went into a different container than the solid trash. . .so. . .
one of the sisters came up to throw in her trash and she tosses a partially filled orange drink container towards the solid trash bucket. . .before you could blink Joe leaned forward and caught it midair. . .quickly as a blink he
opened the lid. . .poured out the liquid. . .gave the sister a smile and tossed the container into
the trash.  Joe takes his job seriously!  The sister got a big chuckle out of it.

Tom said a lot of younger girls tended to "hang out" around the trash bins this year?
I can't imagine why.

Brooklyn also worked this meeting in the dining room.  I failed to get a picture of her as
I didn't even get these pictures, Doug did.  She looked sweet in her position
at the serving line ready to help carry trays, etc.


Kimmie Jo, Bucky (David) and Laura had a good time sitting together during the meeting. 
They got out and shouted a few times and really put their hearts into it.

Daniel, Denny, Paul and Joe all doing some pre-service waiting.

Pre- Convention 2012

Gary Orr gets a big laugh donning gloves and dust mop. . .cameras were flashing to prove
that he can strike a work pose even if it is short lived.  (the laugh and the work)
I just couldn't resist doing this to him!
We love Bro. Gary and appreciate his stand for righteousness.

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