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One Grandma, trying to let the light of Jesus shine through me. . . reaching out into the darkness with love to little hands, hearts and minds . . .for Jesus.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Joanie gets her girl. . .Heidi

New Born Heidi Abigail Hope Pierce
7lb 10oz 19in
February 10, 2012
After all these years a little girl is going to grace the Pierce home.
What a pretty baby. . .looks like her Mommy.
Now Brett will have two lovely ladies to bless his life.
I think she probably already has him jumping to her every whim.

May Heidi grow up to give inspiring testimonies just like her Mother Joanie,
Grandmother Rachel and Great-Grandmothers  - Martin and Peach.
She comes from a long line women of faith and by God's grace she will continue it.

Congratulations to the family!
This is the family that will become Heidi's "servants" for the next few months.
Her "cry/wish" will be their command.
Grandpa Greg and Grandma Rachel holding little Heidi. . .she is blessed.

Any day now. . . I will be getting my new grandbaby, Emily Jane. . .
we're ready when she's ready.

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