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One Grandma, trying to let the light of Jesus shine through me. . . reaching out into the darkness with love to little hands, hearts and minds . . .for Jesus.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Update on Ethan Brown. . .Emily Jane's quilt. . .Bethany's shock!

Ethan get a new playmate. 
Stacey sent this to me last week and I'm just now getting around to uploading it.
I thought all her old friends who read my blog now and then might want to see this picture.
Stacey (Callaway) Brown little bundle of energy.
He's for sure got his mother and Grandpa Sam's hair.

Emily Jane on quilt made by her great-great aunt, Mary Jane Hoffman.
Aunt Jane at 92 years is still driving her car and making quilts.
What a beautiful namesake she has!

Today Bethany went in for major surgery
but was sent home because she was expecting!
She had no idea!
Now all her plans, and Ray's have changed.
Robby and Josiah are getting a new baby in about. . .we don't know when.
Josiah turned one last week
 so he has a few more months to enjoy being the baby.
Bethany and Ray will soon move into their new home.
They will be glad for the additional space.

This reminds me of Sis. Grace Budd's story.
She told me she got the biggest shock of her life the day she went in for a hysterectomy.
The doctor, nurses were doing the standard pre-surgery tests and came back into the room with
shocking news for her (she was older). . .she could not have the surgery because she
was expecting.
This was her first child, James Budd.
He was a shock to her that day, but he was a blessing to her through the years.
She was very "pleased" to have a son she could talk about.
She was so glad when he was in the church working for the Lord. . .
letting the Lord inspire his mind.

Children are a blessing from the Lord.

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