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One Grandma, trying to let the light of Jesus shine through me. . . reaching out into the darkness with love to little hands, hearts and minds . . .for Jesus.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Jed looking for a vehicle he can afford ;). . .Bucky helps George with shoes

Yes, since Jed can drive he was looking for the perfect vehicle to purchase. . .
he looked everywhere before finding the one he could afford. . .
If it just didn't have that lettering on the door. . .oh well. . .
 it’s wasn't this one but he sure looked interested!  
 He found something a little lot newer.
 Jed’s getting more handsome all the time.  
His Uncle Tom took this picture in the spring of this year but he just downloaded it recently onto my computer. . . and I just wanted to share it and tease Jed.

Then, here's another download Tom just gave me from quite a while back of Bucky helping
George with his shoes.  They are such cute little guys!

Hope you all have a great day. . .we serve a great God and we are going to a better place.
If you think this world is awesome. . .think about this world without the curse.  

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