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One Grandma, trying to let the light of Jesus shine through me. . . reaching out into the darkness with love to little hands, hearts and minds . . .for Jesus.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Just needed to let you know I'm still here. . .just busy.

Mr. & Mrs Kenneth Faulkner 50 years ago!
We had the honor of attending the celebration.  Kenny and Mary Jo are both  
workers in the church.  Our grand-kids just love Bro. Kenny
and he teases them. . .they call him "Susie Q" because that's what he called Laura whenshe was little.  This couple was originally from Birmingham, AL.

Still displaying an engaging 'smack' after all these years.
Note: They did this "smack" several times for the photographers and seemed to
enjoy it each time.

This beautiful display was Mary Jo's 
wedding dress! Isn't it beautiful.

Kimberly Jo, Laura Jean, George and Raelyn at the Faulkner's 50th Anniversary
Some really pretty kids having a good time together.

Raelyn and Laura Jean at 50th Anniversary of Faulkner's. . .playing hand clap games. What fun.

Well, it’s been a while since I’ve written . . . so very busy . . . so much life going on.
Every time I think I'll sit down and write something on the blog, 
something else comes up that I just really need to do.

So, first off I'd like to say I am so thankful for the Lord giving us friendships.
I'm glad he didn't just make Adam and then quit.
I'm glad He made Eve for Adam. . . and let them replenish the earth with people.
Like the Hemphill's song says. . ."God likes people. . .any shape. . .
any color. . .any size. . ."
Well, I do too.  I like people in all shapes and sizes.
In fact, in my short 59 (soon to be 60) years of life I've been a size change expert!
I'm certainly glad He did quit loving me when I got bigger. . .and bigger!

I've got some really great friends going through some really rough stuff
right now.
People I've loved for a long, long time.
People I've served the Lord with, I've eaten in their homes, they've eaten mine,
we've raised our kids together. . . just in general shared life.
It has been on my heart to pray for them and to let their burden be mine too.
I think of them all through the day. . .and awake in the night with their name
on my thoughts. . .so I whisper a prayer. . .or cry out for them.
Sis. Donna Mofley and Sis. Wanda Dacus are treasured friends.
Bro. David Angelo/Sis. Janie and Sis. Goldie Ellis are old friends too.
I haven't shared as much with them, but they are fellow warriors.
And others like Sis. Alvenia Barr and Sis. Sandra Bollier are in my heart.
They are still going through the battle.
There are lots more. . .these are just a few who are going through some
really rough times with sicknesses and cancer. . .that dreaded disease.
Sickness is not BIGGER than GOD.
Sickness is not more POWERFUL than God.
Sickness (even cancer) cannot do any more to us than God allows.
Just like the wind and the waves had to obey Jesus when He spoke. . .
Sickness has to obey Jesus if He speaks, "Peace! Be Still!"
If He doesn't choose to speak to the sickness, then He will speak to us if we let Him.
Either way, "Peace" is the result.

Here are a few pictures from the last few weeks. 

Brayden pestering George before church.

Brayden shows George who is the Boss!

Jaida does some fine coloring before church service. She also did a couple of somersaults too.

During prayer line Kara and Sophie do a hand-clap game on the front bench.

Sophie and Kathryn just finished  singing before church service for all who were interested. . .I was.

Two really handsome "scare crows" . . .Travis and George just before Dad gave them a trim.

Uncle Jed was playing with Silas. 

Kathryn spends some time in Pa Paw's work shop painting a picture. . .she's good!

Bro. Brown watches as the men cut the branches and dead trees at the church.
Little John Daniel enjoys sitting there with him.
Joanie brings Heidi down for a visit. . .one pretty, happy baby!

Jesse Frank helps Dad tear out a wall in the new house. . looks like.he's going to be as good as his daddy at building!

Emily is getting up on all fours. . .thought she'd make a"good ending"!

Ecclesiastes 3: 1 
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

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