What does it mean to be opinionated?
Is it wrong? Can it be good?
I am searching my heart because I want to be righteous in
a positive way, not negative.
I think everyone is opinionated to a degree or else they wouldn't care what others think differently on.
My opinion is not what is important. . .HIS opinion is what matters. . .and that's the opinion I want to be my own.
I want to think HIS thoughts. . .speak HIS truths.
I do know I'm very loyal to the truths I've found along the way in life.
I do know I feel what I believe to be truth in a very strong way.
I think others can have a different viewpoint, yet, in my heart
I still think what I believe is right or why would I believe it.
Sometimes I see the truth in
what others are saying. . .I see they are right and I was wrong.
So, I lay down what I believed that was in error and pick up the new truth that has been revealed to me.
I don't care if they are right, because truth is what I'm searching for. . .but I won't change what I feel God gave me just to please them.
If my values on truth were so shallow that I'd
change them just because I liked a person. . .
or felt sorry for a person. . .
or honored a person. . .
or loved a person. . .
or didn't like a person. . .
that would show instability in who I am. . .I would be a false balance, tipping the scale of truth in the way I wanted it to go.
I want to be a lover of truth.
I want to HOLD on to truth when I find it.
I want to SHARE truth with others when I understand it.
I want to ALLOW others to disagree with me
and still feel love from me. . .
But; because I love them, I will try to find ways to present the truth to them regardless of how it makes them feel towards me.
I don't want people to dislike me, but if their house is on fire. . .or their kid is hanging out the window by a nail. . .or maybe someones in their back yard playing with matches. . .
I really don't think the issue is making THEM feel good. . .
I think it is in saving lives.
That's what truth is to me. . .a way to HELP others.
A way to SAVE others from destruction.
I don't want to hurt anyone with what I believe.
Anyone, who hears me or reads things I've written,
is welcome to reject what I've said or stop reading.
I could be wrong, so hold on to what you believe to be truth.
In the end, it's the truth we have in our own hearts. . .
truths we've responded to by our actions. . .
that will either merit us eternal life or disqualify us from it.
That's why truth is so important to me.
I've heard the truth and it has "cost" me to believe it.
It has forced me to change how I live. . .how I act. . .how I re-act
what I do with my time. . .how I dress. . .how I give. . .
what I think is funny. . .what I think is not funny. . .
how I think. . . how I forgive. . .etc.
Truth just keeps changing me into something more like
Jesus wants me to be.
I want to please HIM more than anyone else.
One time Bro. Brown told about working in his office at Brown and Root (?) and hearing a man say to a fellow worker,
"You think your church is the best church in town. . .or the only church with the truth. . ."
(or something close to that)
Bro. Brown said he was amazed by that statement.
He thought everyone thought that about their church.
Why would you go to a church you didn't think was the best?
Why would you go to a church you didn't think had the most truth?
One reason is because some people don't really care about
truth. . .they just try to pacify God without really putting their
heart, soul and mind into the equation.
An outward "show" but their heart is far from Him.
Well, that's not me. I am either HOT or COLD.
When I hear something new, I either BELIEVE IT or PUT IT ON THE SHELF to PONDER OVER until the Lord gives me direction.
I am happy to change when I learn I'm wrong. . .
I am always listening to find more truth.
I hold to "light" the things I'm not sure about.
I search the scripture to see if what I think is true lines up with what the author of truth has to say in His Word.
I'm sure there are things I don't know that I need to believe,
but I'm searching for truth and if I seek HIS truth with my whole
heart, I will find it. . .if I hunger and thirst for truth I will find it.
That's my desire.
But if from thence thou shalt seek the LORD thy God, thou shalt find him,
if thou seek him with all thy heart and with all thy soul. Deut. 4:29
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