Proverbs 31
10 Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.
11 The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil.
12 She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life.
September 3, 2012
Here are a couple of pictures of Rachel Ann (Peach) Martin.
Isn't that an adorable picture of her. . .both are classics.
Yes, she's 60!
She's the youngest of the Frank and Willa Peach kids.
Wouldn't they be thrilled to know she's still in there working for the Lord.
Wouldn't they be thrilled to know she's still married to Greg
and all three of her kids are still coming to church. . .
and the grandkids too!
Rachel was one of my very BEST friends growing up.
We are the same age, me just one month younger. . .
so we went to school together as well as church.
We always went to each other's houses and Rachel would
take a trip in the summer with me out to my Aunt Jane and Uncle Joe's farm.
We'd spend a week there and enjoy every minute. . .
well, almost every minute excepting when we made a baby pig squeal and
we were charged by the momma pigs. . .
Thank God there was a tree to climb and we did it quickly but with much anxiety.
We used to have a blast making church bulletin board decorations.
We would change them often for whatever was going on.
Seems like we were always coming up with some kind of activity. . .
What fun. . .we've had a wonderful life. . .and we're still friends after all these years.
Rachel and Averi, her oldest Granddaughter (13)
Rachel and her son-in-law, Brett Pierce
Rachel holds Josiah while Robby looks like he wants to go play instead of get a picture.
September 11, 2012
Proverbs 31
16 She considereth a field, and buyeth it: with the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard.
17 She girdeth her loins with strength, and strengtheneth her arms.
Here's one little "power package". . .When she gives a testimony it is with gusto!
This young lady can write a blog entry that inspires others to serve the Lord with greater zeal.
She is a willing learner. . .searching for truth. . .and when she finds truth
she doesn't discard it, but takes it to heart and assimilates it into her living.
She wants to be the wife and mother God's called her to be. . .
In doing that she is becoming a great light in the darkness.
I am so glad Janet married Sam and brought Davita into our family.
Mom and Daddy loved her. . .and she loved them. . .she didn't get to know her own
grandparents, so she was happy to have them.
Davita is someone I trust to obey the voice of God even when it hurts. . .
I love her.
September 13, 2012
Proverbs 31
27 She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness.
28 Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.
Here's my lovely daughter Stan chose to add to our family. . .Rebeccah Lynn.
Becky is a great girl. . .I always admired the strong convictions she had as a teenager.
She wanted to do right. . .even when she had the chance to leave the Lord
and go another direction. . .she chose to stay in the church.
I am so thankful she loves me. . .and I love her.
She's been a good hard worker and Stan loves good hard work.
I think he really loves for her to work with him on home projects. . .and she does!
They are a great team.
Even with five little ones around, she can help build, paint, decorate, home-school,
cook, clean, take kids to piano, go through the stresses of her husband being in business for himself and entertain at her home.
Note: Brooklyn is not so little anymore. . .she's a teenager.
She's a giver too. . .behind the scenes she takes food to others when she knows they have a
need or she gives them money. . .she and Stan both let the Lord direct them in blessing others.
Does she get tired. . .You bet. . .
Does she feel like giving up. . .You bet. . .
Does she quit. . .Never!
I have seen more spiritual growth in her life this past year. . .she wants truth. . she's seeking it.
Becky is committed to being a wife and mother that God can approve of.
I am so thankful for her and I bless her in the years ahead.
She and Stan make a handsome couple.
May her children rise up and bless her. . .may her husband praise her.
I love her a "bushel and a peck"!
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