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One Grandma, trying to let the light of Jesus shine through me. . . reaching out into the darkness with love to little hands, hearts and minds . . .for Jesus.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Familly Theater at the stpeach's. . .reading the Bible with a new perspective

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Here's a scene from Stan's kids theater presenting, "Jonah in the Belly of the Whale"
The kids wrote and directed the program on their own.
It was for the exclusive audience of Mom and Dad. . .maybe the Grandparents will
get to see the 2nd showing!

Here's Daniel reading the Bible in "his own comfortable way".
I don't know for sure but he may be trying to get a new slant/perspective on scripture. ??
Daniel and Paul are both reading their Bible daily this year.
Read it sitting up, lying down, standing, upside down. . .but read it!
Congratulations boys on loading up your mind with God's Word.

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