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One Grandma, trying to let the light of Jesus shine through me. . . reaching out into the darkness with love to little hands, hearts and minds . . .for Jesus.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Steve + LuVanna and their three little packages

Yes, I think John already shows signs that he's interested in learning. . .just like his Grandpa.
Lyla, LuVanna, John Daniel, Steve and Aria

Here's the story of a lovely young lady, LuVanna Rose (Brown) Marshall.
Here she's pictured with her beautiful family of three, one boy and twin girls.
Her kids seem to really love their folks.
While they were still in the nursery they would get excited when the monitor
showed their Grandpa, Bro. Brown on the platform, or either parent playing the piano.
Steve always has been sweet to babies and little kids. . .
not just his own family but he enjoyed other people's babies and made over them.
He often watches kids during a service and you can see him get tickled over their antics.
He now shows that same kind of affection only more so toward his own.
His arms are always full of either LuVanna or one of the little ones. . .
or his mother or mother-in-law.
Steve's a loving person. He's attentive to the needs of his family.
If the kids are too much for LuVanna or whoever, Steve moves off the platform and goes to help
with them.  That's a good father and husband.

I can still remember the excitement the whole church felt when Sis. Sonja was expecting LuVanna.
Everyone talked about, "I wonder what the Brown baby will be?  I wonder when the
Brown baby will get here?" for months. . .then " The Brown baby's here!  Have you seen her?"
It was the Brown baby this and the Brown baby that.
Of course we didn't notice how much we were talking about it. . .but when she was born
my kids were two and three years old.
Sarah and Stan went with Tom and I out into the foyer to see this new bundle.
She was so sweet and folks all around were "Oohing and Awwing". . .
the Brown's were beaming
but my kids were. . . disappointed.
Stan took one look at LuVanna and he told Sarah,
"That's no Brown baby, that's a white baby!"
We all got a good laugh.

LuVanna being held by her Daddy, Bro. B. R. Brown
I also remember a time we watched LuVanna when she was about two or three.
She was so cute and had those big brown eyes.
Tom asked her, "LuVanna, where did you get those pretty, big brown eyes?'
To our surprise she spouts back, "Well when I was born I had blue eyes, but my mom wanted me to have brown ones so she had the doctor to take them out and change them."
It was so funny!
Only three and already pretending. . .making up stories.
When we told her folks about it (because we thought it was so cute)
her daddy was embarrassed.  He said I don't know why
she would tell a lie like that.
We told him she was just being creative. . .at her age it was a good sign of an inventive mind.

Sleeping in heavenly peace. . .John Daniel Marshall

Pajama time for two little helpers - Aria and Lyla
Isn't this just too cute! 

We are so blessed to have lots of young families in our assembly.
LuVanna and Steve work diligently in the music department of our church in Humble.
They both use the gifts the Lord gave them to bless.
I'm so thankful they don't bury their talents but choose to multiply them.
LuVanna would practice her music on the piano when she stayed overnight.
Sometimes she'd play way into the night since the skill level was high and the songs were long.
Often around Christmas she and Sarah would get on the piano together and just have fun.
They'd play songs like, "Have A Holly Jolly Christmas" each taking different parts.
Sometimes they would sing really off-key on purpose just to make it funnier.
I can still hear them in there giggling as they'd play.
Those were wonderful days, music I can still hear (in my mind) to cheer my heart.
Both girls loved music.  I'm glad Steve loves music too.
I certainly wish Chad could hear and enjoy music with Sarah. . .
but maybe someday she'll be able to share her
love for it with her kids.

 I just wanted to say Congratulations LuVanna and Steve. . .
Bro. and Sis. Brown,
Junior Marshall and Mary Marshall
May God bless you through these grand babies in the years to come. . .
And may your lives bless these children as you show them how to follow
Jesus in the good times by praising His name. . .
and in the bad times. . .by doing the same. 

Aria, John Daniel and Lyla

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