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One Grandma, trying to let the light of Jesus shine through me. . . reaching out into the darkness with love to little hands, hearts and minds . . .for Jesus.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Superman doesn't wear pants. . .and other important stuff

SuperJesse outfit - 2 years

The other day Becky looked out the back door and saw Jesse Frank standing there in his underwear.
He had on his superman cape, a shirt and underwear. . .
She went out the door and said, "Jesse, where are your pants?"
Now he usually won't even sleep in just underwear and T-shirt. . . he wants his pants. . .
but he answers, "Mom, Superman doesn't wear pants, he wears underwear!"
Now, who said kids don't notice dress standards and pick up on them.

Jesse Frank and Kathryn in the tree swing.

Another story about Jesse before I forget it. . .
He was outside doing something he was NOT supposed to do and Becky hollered at him. . .
"Jesse, get in this house right now!"
He comes in but says to Becky, "Didn't you mean 'Jesse Frank'?"

Kathryn and Jesse Frank doing dishes.

And one more story before I forget it. . .Stan and Becky followed me home last Sunday night
as Tom was out of town and they were just making sure I got inside safely.  They told the kids they were going to go to Grandma's house but would
only stay about 30 minutes.  Stan said Jesse immediately spoke up, "Oh Dad,
couldn't we just stay an  hour instead. . ."  How quickly they learn the way to Grandma's heart!
Only two years old and already realizing an hour is more valuable than 30 minutes at Grandma's.

Kathryn (5 years) can hula-hoop on her knees!

Jilly (7 years) hoop-ing it up.

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