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One Grandma, trying to let the light of Jesus shine through me. . . reaching out into the darkness with love to little hands, hearts and minds . . .for Jesus.

Monday, July 16, 2012

More pictures of Doug's visit. . .and "Perry Boy" coming by. . .

Joe in his fishing hat playing basketball at Stan's new house.  He finally quit swimming to play a little ball.

Joe taking a float after jumping from slide. . .he sure had fun.
After getting tired of swimming, Jilly takes a ride on her special stick horse hand made by Papaw Peach.

Cousins, Bucky and Brooklyn,  in the pool.  Bucky did a "flip" yes, a flip
right off those rocks as soon as he climbed up. . .before we knew what he was planning.
Yes, his Dad chewed him out for not watching before he jumped. . .
Yes, he did it again.

Kids are ready to scarf down some snacks after playing so hard in the water.
 Emily is glad for them to to eat as she sits on Mom's lap.
Becky is amazed at whatever Kathryn is telling her.

Stan and Doug  give report on visiting Stan's neighbor. . .a very interesting man who travels all over the world
excavating interesting artifacts.  They went for a short spin with Kathryn and Jesse. . .then stayed gone so
long we thought they were out on the trails hung-up but just visiting Mr. Campbell.

Doug telling "how the cow eats the cabbage" while Brooklyn listens and Stan makes himself a sandwich.
The next day after VBS some of the family came over to the house.
Denny brought lots and lots of tacos. . .
and we just snacked around the table enjoying good old fashioned communication. . .
except we did allow some modern technology to connect us with Jon. . .
So all my brothers and my one sister were "at" the table.

Doug gets historical phone call from Jonathon. . .yes, Jon called him!
Doug put him on speaker phone and he joined in our conversation as we sat around the table.
Sam and Janet Perry.

Here's Tom and Doug still on the famous "Call from Jon".

Sam, Janet and Denny getting a kick out of something said.  We were just eating snacks after Bible School Thursday.

Doug enjoys a cookie.

David Perry and Mom, Janet.

David sings plays and sings us some songs. . .and Doug sings a few too.
We enjoyed David coming over!

Joe ready to call it quits and head for bed. . .but first a look at Dad's pictures.

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