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One Grandma, trying to let the light of Jesus shine through me. . . reaching out into the darkness with love to little hands, hearts and minds . . .for Jesus.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The "Mother's Group" gives this old woman a birthday dinner!

I am 60!  I barely feel a day older than 59. . .exactly.

I am so blessed to have such sweet sisters in the Lord. . .
Young women who want to please
the Lord by caring for their children and loving their husbands. . .
by being Proverbs 31 women.
It is a wonderful thing to be surrounded by women of God
who have a desire to be keepers at home.
Anyway, the picture above is after the fact. . .I forgot to take "before" pictures the great meal.
 Becky made lasagna that was awesome. . .
Sarah fixed a big beautiful salad. . .
 all the "mothers" went together and purchased chicken Alfredo and buttery hot rolls from Italianos. . .Karla brought tea and coffee creamers. . .
Janet made a big, calorie packed, delicious Italian Cream Cake. . .
It was all just excellent. 
We ate as much as we could hold!
The flowers were from Becky but her girls went out and picked the greenery. . .
right out of their yard for the filler. . .
I can't believe I forgot to take pictures but was so busy talking. . . laughing. . . eating I just did.
The ladies gave me cards and gifts.
 Here is a picture where you can see what I got. . .
even Makaela made me some homemade lotion (with a least 4 ingredients . . .;) 
Everything was more than I deserved. . .
I really hated for them to spend their hard-earned money on me.  . .
but. . . it did make me feel loved. 
I certainly love this group of "Mothers". 
We all missed Summer who had to stay home. 
Baby Christopher was still sick with a fever.
He's been sick for several days. 
I am sure Summer is tired from worry. . .  and not being able to sleep well. 
Being a mother is hard work 24/7, but it is so rewarding. 
It really builds character as we learn
to sacrifice for those precious children the Lord gave us. 
Tonight we had such a good time. . .
a time of soul searching. . .a time of growing. . .problem solving.
Like Sis. Mary's old song,
"The Lord is getting us ready to walk with him. . .when you see the waters troubled step on in".   
~Lord, we really appreciate your mindfulness of our get-to-gathers.  
Lord, please bless each one of these sweet mothers. . .
and their husbands. . . 
and children.
Thanks for allowing the mothers the time away from home to enjoy these sessions. 
They are all dear to my heart, but even more dear to yours.
Help us to grow into your ideal of Proverbs 31.  ~

Thank God for Mothers! 


Steve Finnell said...

you are invited to follow my blog

Covnitkepr1 said...

Happy Birthday...60 years young huh??
I write and maintain a blog which I have entitled “Accordingtothebook” and I’d like to invite you to follow it.. I’m your newest follower.