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One Grandma, trying to let the light of Jesus shine through me. . . reaching out into the darkness with love to little hands, hearts and minds . . .for Jesus.

Thursday, March 7, 2013


Sarah and Stan. . .our two precious babies in 1976.
As usual, Sarah had a baby of her own in her hands.

. . .Happy Birthday Dear Stanley. . .
Happy Birthday to you!


Thirty-eight years ago the doctor placed into my arms a wonderful gift.

Thirty-eight years later Stan is still a wonderful gift.

He is so like his dad in creativity. . .and so like me in thought/study pattern.

Tom and I are so blessed to have a son who is responsible. . .

Who really cares about others. . . who is a hard worker. . .

a faithful husband and protective father. . .

a loyal friend. . .
one who loves the lord and looks for ways to bless his people. . .a man of integrity.
I'm a blessed mother. . .and I know that I am.


  Psalm 37:23 
 The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way.

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