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One Grandma, trying to let the light of Jesus shine through me. . . reaching out into the darkness with love to little hands, hearts and minds . . .for Jesus.

Monday, December 22, 2014

You Decorate My Life! 2014



~Dearest Family and Friends~

Today I was thinking about Christmas. . .while rushing to get the last few gifts and listening to Christmas music. . .I looked at all the beautiful decorations and fancy displays in the stores. . .and the thought came to me my favorite decorations at Christmas are my family and friends.

YOU decorate my life, not only at Christmas, but all through the year. Some of you are brand new and I'm just learning to appreciate your value. . .others of you have become old favorites with many cherished memories attached to your existence. I am so thankful for the beauty of your friendship. . .for the warm glow you bring to my heart. . .for the light you shed on my pathway. . .for the color and sparkle you add to the events we share in. . .for the joy you bring to my pain. I love my decorations. . .I'm sentimental so even though I love getting "new decorations" I will always treasure those I first found at the beginning of my life. . .and someday my "new decorations" will be old friends with memories galore.

Jesus is the "Topper" in my life. . .he makes all my “decorations” work together for good. . .but he is my most cherished. He was preparing for me the most precious gift long before I even was born. . .Oh what a Savior!

So, go ahead and let your "life" shine. . .make a difference in the lives of others. . .let them feel the depth of Christ when they touch your life. . .decorate them with the love, joy and peace you feel. . .help them REJOICE because they have a Savior.

krp 2014

Have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Tom & Karen Peach

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